Sunshiny Doors of Dublin

Days 37-45 of #100DaysofDublinDoors

Hi there!

Days 37-45 of my #100DayProject had me hunting down what I came to think of as the sun-shiniest doors in all of Dublin. So cheery, so yellow… and then progressing into so orange!

This set also happens to be the most clear color progression that I set out for, so it’s fun to see everything taking shape as I imagined in my mind before starting the project!

If you’re still scratching your head as to the idea I’m going for, scroll back to older posts and you’ll start to see the pattern. 🙂

Do you have a favorite door from this set? Mine it the yellow crosshatch door in the top row that I found in Beggar’s Bush. It’s so different and I haven’t come across another like it (yet)!

Sunshiny Doors of Dublin

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