The Final Set!

Days 90-100 of #100DaysofDublinDoors

Hello friends!

Here we are at the final set of my #100DaysofDublinDoors. I hope you enjoyed coming along this little adventure with me as I wandered around my new city on the hunt for doors that fit into my plan.

When I set out on this little #100DayProject, I was expecting to finish it all directly in 100 days. But, of course, when you give yourself a few limitations—only Dublin doors, not just Irish ones, or any other ones for that matter—it may take a little longer to finish when you’re busy getting out of the city and exploring other places as well. That was a nice reminder that plans can be adjusted and it still all works out in the end.

Do you have a favorite in this last set? Mine is definitely the ultimate door #100 – the rainbow door that the Dublin Chamber of Commerce had in honor of Pride month and that they, thankfully, kept up so that I could end on a rainbow note! It really brought the whole project together as my theme was a color gradation following the entire spectrum.

The ultimate door in my #100DaysofDublinDoors project.

So, what’s next? As I continue to explore Dublin and find new creative outlets, I’ll share. And if you have any suggestions, I’d love to hear them!

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