27% Complete!

Hi friends!

Days 19-24 of #100DaysofDublinDoors are all about the greens. I found some vibrant stunners & really cool looking windows, too. The one named “Ashburton” is my fave from the above set… which is yours?

An integral and fun part of the #100DayProject mindset is to celebrate the small milestones of continuing with a daily project—like when you get to Day 25 and you’re 25% of the way done! Yay!

I thought a perfect way to celebrate would be to show you all the doors I’ve found so far! And since I like to Marja-fy things a bit I held off for a few more days so I could get these doors lined up just so…

It’s so fun to see them all together and really see how the pattern is evolving.

Have you guessed what my pattern plan is yet? And have you picked a favorite or are you waiting til the end? Let me know what you think in the comments!

And now I’m off to hunt down some more colorful Dublin doors…

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