Breaking my Own Rules

AKA: Days 28-36 of #100DaysofDublinDoors

Hi friends!

I’ve waited a little bit longer to post these next set of doors since I’ve found that a set of 9 worked better with how I lined them up in my recent post.

Thankfully, a tenet of #the100DayProject is that the rules are made up.

What does that mean to me? Being open to changing my own rules.

You’d think that would be relatively easy, right? Hahaha

Last weekend we went on our first Ireland road trip to explore Galway and a bit of the Wild Atlantic Way. Obviously I had to skip a few days since there were no Dublin doors to photograph. 🙂 So I had to become ok with not posting these 100 days consecutively, which was one of my original self-imposed constraints.

I guess learning to let go a bit (and then having the song from Frozen get stuck in my head) is also something I’m taking away from this little creative project.

As I’ve been hunting down doors and exploring different neighborhoods in Dublin, I’ve been enjoying all the different types of houses I find. Some of my favorite styles are the tiny (1, 2 bed max) single story “worker cottages” built over a century ago.

There aren’t so many of these cottages compared to larger row homes, so it’s fun to come across pockets of them remaining and many of them being restored. They also tend to have simpler doors that match their esthetic—can you guess which of the yellow ones above are from cottages?

Tell me—would you like to live in one of these quaint little homes? I’m dreaming of buying one that needs some love and importing a Huhta or two to help renovate…

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